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Get Involved

The Camnbridge Rocketry project needs users, developers, students and rocketeers to contribute, in a variety of different ways, and create an even better rocket flight simulator. To find out how you can help please read on.

Report your experience

Users of the toolbox can leave feedback, suggestions and report bugs through the sourceforge forum. we look forward to hearing from you.


One of the most important tasks for future work is to validate the accuracy of the flight simulator. If you are flying rockets then you can help by collecting some basic data each time you fly and subitting a flight report. You can do this regardless of whether or not you have used the toolbox, but it is helpful if you do. Download the flight report form and send it to us along with any other relevant information.

New Functions

If you create a new function for the toolbox and you think others would like to use it too then you can send it to us. If you want to submit functions regularly or want to add a large number of functions then why not become a developer on the project? contact us to find out more.

Stand alone version with GUI

The Cambridge Rocketry Simulator project is separate open source software project which aims to create a stand alone version on the Cambridge Rocketry Toolbox with a graphical user interface. If you are interested in contributing to this project please get in touch.


Many of the potential projects here have a strong academic element. If you are looking for a final year project that will really impress then why not talk to us about options in rocketry and open source software.

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